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5 Must-Read Blogs for Single Parent Students

Written by Alicia Robinson | Feb 10, 2016 5:00:00 PM

Being a single parent is one of the toughest and most worthwhile jobs any one can have. Add the stress of going back to school into the equation and you are really going to have your hands full. You may feel like you are all alone in what you are doing. However, you are not alone; there are many other parents in the same situation as you.

A good way to find some helpful advice along your journey is to check out the following five must-read blogs:

  1. Single Parents Alliance of America (SPAOA) – This blog offers helpful advice and inspirational stories and quotes that can help make your life just a little bit easier. At no cost, you may also join the SPAOA and be eligible to win grants or scholarships to help pay for continuing your education.

  2. Families as They Really Are – This blog is a project of the Council on Contemporary Families and provides a diverse collection of informative articles from researchers to foster understanding about how contemporary families are changing, the challenges facing them and how to best meet these challenges.

  3. Student Parent Success Initiative – This blog from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research offers timely and informative news from around the country on issues that are important to women who have returned to school or are entering the workforce.

  4. WebMD Health & Parenting Center – This blog offers helpful and timely tips and advice on raising your family and dealing with everyday family life and health concerns. Whether you are seeking advice on dealing with toddler temper tantrums, or on avoiding mistakes that divorced parents often make, you can find advice here from health experts. Or you can join the online single parent support group.

  5. Single Mom Nation – Experience a diverse variety of information, stories and advice from other single moms like yourself. You may even feel inspired to submit your own story to be featured on this blog.