FAQ Regarding Covid-19 Outbreak

Current Students:
What is Angeles Institute doing to protect the safety and health of students, faculty, staff and vendors or clients?
. Face Coverings per our COVID-19 response and in an effort to maintain the health and safety of all our students, staff, and visitors.
- All students are required to wear a face covering within dress code guidelines. Face coverings should be fitted appropriately and securely to the face to ensure complete coverage of the mouth and nose. Face coverings should be surgical or white, since it may be difficult to get a white face covering a solid neutral color is also acceptable. There should not be any graphics, text, design, or logo on the face covering. Face coverings should be kept clean.
Angeles Institute is following all state and federal guidelines concerning groups and has initiated and/or ensured daily screening measures for all staff, faculty, and students, as well as increased sanitation on campus and at all clinical and satellite sites. We have enacted emergency plans approved by our accrediting bodies to both ensure the health and safety of our clientele and staff and also to mitigate the effects of the outbreak by planning for distance learning options if required and maintaining clinical hours (when safe to do so) as long as possible to avoid expected completion delays. Click the link below to learn more about how we are taking measures to keep all students, staff, and visitors safe.
How will “distance learning” work if enacted?
Distance learning has many aspects. For example, assignments are posted in Canvas our online learning management system and are easily viewed and completed. Email for your instructors can also be achieved via Canvas. Quizzes will be given either through EAQ, Canvas, or as proctored examinations. Lectures will be given via Zoom with interaction with our instructor in a live format as well as another possibility of a pre-recorded format.
Will this affect graduation or expected completion dates?
At this point, we do not anticipate that current completion dates will change due to the measures put in place for continued instruction. Graduation itself may need to be postponed or even canceled due to the current guidelines of large groups of people.
When will we return to class if and when distance learning is enacted?
Angeles Institute’s commitment to follow CDC guidelines and return to regular on-campus content as usual as soon as possible. This will be based on the current guidelines and the safety of our students and faculty/staff.
All students are required to meet the following health policies:
1. Pass a general physical examination with a physician release within two weeks into the program.
2. Provide titers or if titers are negative provide proof of immunization for: a. Measles, Mumps, Rubella b. Hepatitis B, Varicella c. PPD and/or CXR if positive d. Influenza
3. Provide a negative COVID-19 test
C. The completed health record which includes the physician release, physician opinion of overall health, results of titers, PPD and CXR and immunization record is kept in the student file. Angeles Institute College Catalog 2020 10
D. Students may be required to get multiple COVID-19 testing to demonstrate their negative status during the course of their education. Student Affairs will have resources to obtain the testing
Is Student Affairs still accepting appointments?
Our Student Affairs team is still accepting appointments as usual and will continue to accept appointments via phone and/or web conference if remote work is enacted. Please request appointments as usual by emailing our Student Affairs team at studentaffairs@angelesinstitute.edu or calling us at 562-207-9205. A representative will reach out as soon as possible to assist you.
How can we request documents and will they be delayed?
Documents may be requested via email by completing the document request form found on our website here and submitting via email to studentaffairs@angelesinstitute.edu Please keep in mind requests for items which require on-site access (transcripts, hard copy records from student files, diplomas etc.) may be delayed if our staff is working remotely. We will do our best to log these requests and complete them expeditiously as soon as we return to regular working schedules on campus. However, requests for document completion should be submitted to us along with the document request form and will be prioritized in an effort to help the student retain their benefits. We will be able to send these types of documents out to the institutions and organizations making the requests via encrypted email. As long as the organization requesting the documentation accepts it in this form we don’t expect students to experience any delays in these types of requests. Please submit further questions or concerns regarding this process to Student Affairs directly. Thank you for your patience and understanding regarding this process.
Are licensing and testing centers open?
Pearson VUE-owned test centers across the United States and Canada for at least 30 days until April 16. Applicants will receive a refund for their exam (if paid to Pearson VUE) or an extension as determined by your exam sponsor. Talk to Student Affairs for reschedule opportunities starting April 16, 2020, but please be aware that Pearson VUE may have to extend this date further depending on further developments.
The BVNPT has not issued any notice regarding the closure or delay of their operations. As of now, we believe all applications and licenses will continue to be processed as usual. We will post updates as we receive them. More information regarding their processes may also be found online at www.bvnpt.ca.gov
Can you help me secure employment?
Placement services will continue to be provided to any student who needs assistance. Please reach out to our Student Affairs team to submit your “Service Assistance Request” via email at studentaffairs@angelesinsitute.edu Once you submit your request they run it through the financial department for clearance and then reach out to assist you with Step 1: Resume Building or Step 2: Opportunity Review & Networking depending on what stage in the process you are at. It is imperative that we work hard to ensure our graduates are placed in the safest and most economically beneficial positions especially during this challenging time. Job placement assistance is one of our top priorities. Please do not hesitate to reach out for our help!
Can we still enroll?
Yes, the enrollment is ongoing. Usually, classes are on campus or at clinical however alternative formats may be used (e.g., simulation, distance learning). Please bring a face covering.
To comply with requests from community and clinical agencies the Nursing Department requires Immunizations, Drug & COVID-19 testing, and a Background check on all eligible applicants. Up-to-date immunizations, a negative drug & COVID-19 test and clear background check will be necessary for entry into the Nursing Department and the clinical/externship sites.
Are you still holding appointments?
Yes, we are still conducting appointments however alternative formats may be used for an appointment such at zoom meetings, electronic signatures, etc.