Nurses Week (May 6-12)

Did you know that May 6 has been designated "National RN Recognition Day" and May 8 as "National Student Nurses Day"!
During Nurses Week, don't forget to show your appreciation and go thank a nurse! Maybe hug one, if they'll let you.
1. Fast Facts
- 1993 - The ANA Board of Directors designated May 6 - 12 as permanent dates to observe National Nurses Week in 1994 and in all subsequent years.
- 'Nurse' originates from late Latin nutricia, feminine of Latin nutricius ‘(person) that nourishes,’ from nutrix, nutric- ‘nurse,’ from nutrire ‘nourish.’
- The patron saint of Nursing is St. Camillus de Lellis, who was canonized in 1746.
- Registered Nurses account for 2.6 million jobs in the US.
- Men make up over 13% of all nursing-school students in the US.
2. Don't Hate, Appreciate!
If you've ever been sick at school and needed help, go thank a nurse.
If you've ever been sick and went to a hospital, go thank a nurse.
If your father, sister, cousin, niece, or friend has ever been sick and went to a hospital, go thank a nurse.
3. Did You Know...
- Nursing is the fastest-growing occupation in the US.
- By 2020, the US will face a shortage of 800,000 nurses.
Ask yourself:
Have you always felt compelled to help others?
Can you handle the sight of blood, pus, and other bodily fluids?
Are you inspired by shows like "Scrubs," "House," or "Grey's Anatomy"?
Could you commit to a stable, well-paying career?
Do YOU think you have what it takes to become a nurse?
Interested in our LVN program?
Check out our newly updated LVN guide for more information!
Interested in our CNA program?
Check out our CNA curriculum guide for more information!
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American Nursing Association (ANA): National Nurses Week
American Nursing Association (ANA): National Nurses Week History