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Nursing Careers Offer Flexible Options for Busy Lifestyles

Written by Alicia Robinson | Aug 18, 2016 4:00:05 PM

It seems that today, almost everyone is struggling to juggle a busy lifestyle. Between work and raising a family, it can feel like you're constantly being pulled in different directions. One of the great things about having a nursing career is the many flexible options that it can provide you. 

You have options in:

  • Choosing or changing your career path
  • Finding a schedule that fits best with your family needs
  • Working almost anywhere in the world

Flexible Career Options

If you want to enter a nursing career sooner than later, you can begin working as a licensed vocational nurse in as little as 10 months of school after you pass your NCLEX-PN exam (in some cases).

From there, you could choose to become certified in other areas such as geriatrics or IV therapy. You may even choose to continue your education to become a registered nurse or obtain a master’s degree to become a nurse practitioner or nurse anesthesiologist. Your options for career growth are only limited by how far you wish to go in the field of nursing.

Flexible Schedules

You may have different options for work schedules according to which nursing specialty you choose.

Many nursing positions offer shifts ranging from four, eight, 10 or 12 hours at a time. You may be able to choose a job where you work weekdays while your children are in school or on weekends or nights when it may be easier to find childcare.

Constant Demand 

It's estimated that the need for nurses is only expected to increase as the population grows older.

Nurses are needed throughout the United States to fill all types of nursing positions. Nursing jobs can be found outside traditional healthcare settings and could provide you with opportunities for travel to remote locations if that's something you desire.

Choosing nursing as your career can provide you with a lifetime of options that will allow you to go as far in your career as you may have never dreamed before.

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