Nursing Student Strategies

Having a nursing career can be the most selfless job there is. There will be a constant need for your assistance, smile, advice, and knowledge in this profession. The truth is, becoming a nurse whether LVN or BSN can be stressful and very time-consuming. If you are interested in a nursing career, you will have to learn time management skills and gain strong study habits. If you are passionate about nursing, you will do what it takes to succeed and obtain the nursing degree you’ve worked so hard for. Below are a few tips that can help you on your journey to becoming a nurse.
Tip 1: Don’t be Afraid to Ask for Help
Asking for help can sometimes make us feel embarrassed. You may feel you are the only one that does not understand the material being presented to you. That sense of self-doubt will most likely cause you to fall behind in class. Don’t be afraid to ask for a clear explanation. If you have several questions jot them down and ask after class, also ask classmates for help. Discussing topics will help you circulate the information.
Tip 2: Meal Prep
Being a nursing student means less time to cook and more time for studying. Fast food can be an easy go to. According to a UCLA study, eating junk food on a consistent basis will lower energy, raise impairment, and the ever so popular weight gain. AHH! This is why meal prep can be beneficial, planning out meals and cooking at least 3 days ahead of time will save you from being a drive thru regular.
Tip 3: Time Management
One of the most important nursing student skills you must become attain is time management. This can be difficult or nearly impossible if you have young children. Don’t Fret! There are still ways to help you get your time in order. Classmates can be a huge help. Finding a study group or partner can break up huge chunks of the work. A person you can call when you are stuck can save you a huge headache. If you’ve been out of school a while it may be best to start studying in smaller increments and work your way up. Working your way up to full time studying is less overwhelming. Organizing your time will be a big benefit to you. Having a planner or calendar to mark important test dates, important events, and study group meetings will make it easier for you to allow time where needed. You will probably find it helpful to keep your binder, folders and flash cards organized as well.
Tip 4: YOU
There may be a huge exam at the end of the week and plenty of homework due but, don’t forget to take care of you first. Even fifteen minutes a day can be beneficial to your sanity, whether it’s a bubble bath, a quick nap, listening to music or sitting in silence. Do something that makes you happy. We’ll leave you with a direct quote from one of our Angeles Institute Nursing Students;
“Nursing School was one of the toughest, most stressful things I wanted to do… And I would do it all over again to have the knowledge and career I have today”