Nursing Student Survival Guide

Whether you are preparing to apply or are a new nursing student, it is a good idea to prepare yourself for what lies ahead with your training. Consider the following tips as a nursing student tool survival guide that will not only help you get through the next ten months of training, but will also help you throughout your nursing career.
Get Enough Sleep and Eat Well
Maintaining a healthy diet and getting enough sleep every night will help your body adjust to the physical and mental demands you will be facing. You will be learning a lot during your training, and your brain needs enough rest to work at its top performance. Eating healthy will give your body the fuel it needs to make it through the day.
Think About the End Game
Today it may seem like you cannot imagine passing the NCLEX, but in a few short months, you will be amazed about how far you have come. Remember to set goals for yourself along the way so you can measure your accomplishments.
Learn to Prioritize
Being able to prioritize is a skill you will need as a nurse. Prioritizing is a skill you can improve on while in school. Learn to prioritize what you have going on with school and your personal life by making lists in order of the highest priority.
Don’t Get Caught Up In Drama
It is important to be able to get a handle on your emotions. Avoid getting caught up in drama with your fellow students and patients. This will only cause you unnecessary stress.
Build a Support System
Your fellow students can be a good place to find support because you all may be having a similar experience. Form a study group or go for coffee to vent when needed.
Most importantly, as a nursing student and future nurse, you need to learn how to take care of you. You cannot take care of others if you are not taking care of yourself. Take a break and do something special for yourself, even if only for a little while.
Thinking of transferring to our LVN program? Check out our NEW Transfer Guide below!