Holiday Crunch: Surviving Finals with a Family

Having to take your finals is probably more than enough to stress you out. But add in the holidays, plus finding time for your children and other obligations with your friends and family, and it can be a recipe for disaster. However, you have made it this far, and there is no reason why you cannot maintain your sanity and make it through the holiday crunch at the same time. The key to survival is creating balance, which will require some preparation on your part.
Schedule Your Time
This time of year, your calendar can really be your friend. Enter all the dates that you will be taking your finals. Make sure to mark down all holiday events or obligations you may have. This could include holiday parties, church obligations, and events at your children’s school, such as plays or concerts. Don’t forget you will also need to squeeze in your holiday shopping, so try to get that done early to allow you some needed studying time.
Once you have marked down everything you need to do on your calendar, figure out what time is left for studying. By now, you should already have a good idea of what exams you will be taking. Some will require more preparation than others will, so start early with your studying. Be sure to plan your study time accordingly, so that you are allowing yourself enough time to study for your toughest finals.
Make Time for Yourself
Do not deprive yourself of having some fun during the holiday season. You should set aside some time to unwind from the stress of finals and the holidays. This could be as simple as meeting a friend for coffee, going to a movie, or spending an evening watching holiday movies and wrapping presents. With proper planning, you can make it through the holiday crunch and be ready to start fresh in the coming year.