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Taking A Break From Technology

Written by Charlotte Medina | Aug 26, 2020 5:32:01 PM

Taking a break from technology.

This quarantine has forced us all to spend more time at home. Most of us are fortunate to have immediate access to technology from home and privileged enough to have this in forms of televisions, computers, cellphones, or video games. Although all of these provide entertainment and keep us updated with news, current trends, and any other information we want to access, using too much technology can become overwhelming at times. It is good to take breaks from our favorite gadgets, no matter how deep we are into a show (okay, maybe wait until the end of the episode) or a game (if you cannot pass that level, pause and save!). Spending too much time in front of a screen can be detrimental to our eyes and also to our mental health. Here are some ways to take breaks from technology and different alternatives to have fun away from the screens.


Taking a break from watching TV.


Sometimes we can get caught watching the news for hours. It’s understandable: we are going through uncertain times and everything related to COVID-19 has us at the edge of our seats as soon as it comes up. Other people have grown fatigued of listening to the same subject over and over and have opted to stream and binge-watch series or watch reruns of their favorite shows. Since most streaming platforms do not have commercial breaks anymore, it is easy to forget to take a moment to stand up and tend to basic needs such as getting a glass of water or even going to the restroom! Instead of binge-watching or spending time in front of the screen every night, you can use some time to socialize with your family or roommates by having a game night or pick up a craft that allows you to be creative.


Stepping away from your computer.


Are you working from home? Chances are you are using a computer. Remember that by California law your employer is still required to give you breaks even if you are not physically present at an office while working. Stand up, stretch, and drink water or eat a small snack to keep you going. Similarly, if you are attending school and taking asynchronous online courses, you can pause your lectures to take a micro-break too, and the same advice goes if you are a gamer! Here are some eye exercises and techniques Medical News Today shared recently that will help you avoid or treat digital eye strain.


Leaving your cell phone down.


This might be a tough one! As cell phones have become a tiny extension of ourselves having apps that (hopefully) we use to learn and be creative, but also give us instant access to social media, it is really tough to leave our phones aside for long periods of time. We want to remain engaged with our friends and the world’s activities, but we also need to engage and stay in touch with ourselves! If you like to document your days and what you do and think, journaling is an excellent way to practice your writing and pour your feelings out. It is somehow a meditative practice that you can turn into a discipline and writing will become more rewarding in the long run.


So there you go! What fun at-home analog activities or new practices are you planning on adopting? Start by making a search online but do not get caught on the computer for too long.