Paying back your student loans seems daunting... So, what would you do if someone told you they could reduce or completely eliminate your student loan debt? Would you trust them?
If you said "No"... You made the right choice!
If you said "Yes"... You need to be more careful of who to trust! Keep reading to find out why...
Consumers receive a phone call, email, or view a social media post claiming someone can get rid of student loan debt. Many companies allege their service is made possible by a new government program or policy sponsored by former U.S. President Barak Obama.
The company will ask for an upfront fee to negotiate with your student loan lender on your behalf. They will claim they've helped numerous other clients, but don't believe them! Student loans can only be forgiven under certain circumstances, and are rarely fast or easy. These scammers will take your fee and disappear.
An alternative version of the student loan scam has con artists assert that they can save you money by consolidating your loans. Some will charge a fee for using a free government service. Others may actually move your loans to a private lender at a higher interest rate.
Didn't catch the red flags in the situations above? We've listed them for you here:
The Better Business Bureau (BBB) offers the following advice:
BBB: "BBB alerts consumers to student loan forgiveness scams"
Federal Student Aid: Forgiveness, Cancellation, and Discharge