Zombie Apocalypse

If you’re a fan of scary movies and TV shows, you’ve seen how flesh-eating zombies are a deadly threat to humans. Shows like the Walking Dead have led to a surge of public awareness of zombies. It’s a good thing they aren’t real — or are they? With the CDC issuing their 2011 blog Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse, many people had to stop and do a little reality check.
Is the CDC Serious about Zombies?
The CDC didn’t lose their collective minds, but they did see an opportunity through the popularity of the Walking Dead to get people to take disaster preparation more seriously. For instance, many of the steps you’d take to prepare for a zombie apocalypse are similar to those that you would take if a hurricane, earthquake, tsunami or tornado were to strike.
If a zombie apocalypse or natural disaster occurs, the CDC recommends being prepared with an emergency kit in your home to get you through several days until you can evacuate to an emergency shelter or normal services are restored. Your kit should include:
- Non-perishable food items — enough for three days
- One gallon of water per person per day
- OTC and prescription medications you and your family need
- Battery-powered radio
- Change of clothes for each family member
- Bleach and soap
- Blankets and towels
- First aid supplies
- Important documents, including your driver’s license and birth certificate
Just One More Thing
Not to alarm you, but zombies do exist in nature… not human zombies, but South American carpenter ants. And it’s not caused by a zombie virus or pandemic like that depicted in Walking Dead. Instead, this particular species of carpenter ant (Camponotus rufipes) builds nests on the floor of the forest. When infected with the Ophiocordycep fungus, an ant loses their free will as the fungus grows and causes them to leave the nest to spread the fungus to other ants. Eventually the fungus kills off the ant and more spores are released to infect other ants.
While we may never have a zombie apocalypse, you should still be prepared if a natural disaster strikes.